
At The Green Cause, there are currently five teams that all share the common interest to aid our goal of spreading awareness about critical environmental issues that affect people on all levels.

Arts and Design

Currently being led by Alice Xi and Vahini Walia, this team focuses on visual components of our work. More specifically, they focus on video animation, creating artistic content for our Social Media Team, and helping our brand aesthetics. This team is great for those with an interest in digital art, color psychology, drawing, and animation!

Environment 101

Currently being led by x, our Environment 101 Team researches and contributes to the Environment 101 Project, one of our many tasks where we write in depth articles for a more general audience about each issue we have covered in our lessons. Members in this team are tasked with researching environmental issues and composing articles with proposals to solve critical issues. We strongly believe that the condition of the environment should be Earth’s number one priority due to the displacement, famine, conflict, and various other consequences that can and will occur due to an unhealthy environment. More information on our Environment 101 Project can be seen here.

Environmental Education

Currently being led by Claudia Reines, Helena Chan, and Krushti Shah, the Environmental Education Team provides members with the opportunity to act as teachers by creating and presenting lessons to elementary and middle school classes. These presentations can cover any environmental issue, and can be either in person or virtual. If one is unable to do live presentations, they can create a shorter presentation and focus on creating interactive elements, and film tutorials of those interactive elements to send to different schools. Members can also choose to record an audio clip of their lesson plan to be animated.

Social Media

Currently being led by Shalini Ramakrishnan and Prakhar Tiwari, the Social Media Team produces and posts content with the intent to recruit members, spread awareness, and provide information about The Green Cause on a large scale. This is often done through the creation of infographics, short informational videos, media reviews, and environmental memes.


Currently being led by Kyle Pontius and Aiden Jasul, the Technology Team is responsible for all behind-the-scenes work pertaining to The Green Cause. These tasks involve maintaining and updating the website, programming interactive components, editing videos, and other technologically related environmental projects.